Saturday, February 15, 2014

Back to Kathmandu

Both Gopal and I fly out of Pokhara today, back to Kathmandu to attend a meeting.
Shambu and Gopal waiting to begin meeting in Kathmandu 
(Photo: JLewis, TDRF)
Shambu has arranged for various management agency officials to come and hear about new work he will be starting soon looking at abundance of the river dolphin in Nepal. Shambu has received money to survey all four major river systems in this country where the river dolphin had been previously. Some recent potential sightings and confirmed strandings give hope that there may still be some left in those areas. Shambu will now get to survey and see. At this meeting Shambu will describe the work he intends to do, providing an opportunity for those attending to comment and provide feedback.

Shambu Paudel leads a meeting with resource management staff of Nepal (Photo: JLewis, TDRF)
Following the meeting Shambu and I make a plan for filming and interviewing for the next few days here in Kathmandu. Gopal and I then head on foot around the city so I can collect more general footage of what it is like here. What people are doing….what the area looks like…those sort of things. To give perspective in the film.

Street in Kathmandu, Nepal (Photo: JLewis, TDRF)

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