Sunday, February 2, 2014

Filming at Khulna University

Manish and other students talking between classes 
(Photo: JLewis, TDRF)
Today I meet Manish at his University, where I get the opportunity to film him and other students. We start by going to meet with one of his professors. Here the issue of keeping young conservation biologists is brought home to me again. The professor is young and has studied in Europe. He is aware of the better salaries outside of his country and is honest about how attractive that is to him. There is a term for this. Brain Drain. Where the brightest individuals are drawn away from areas where there is less economic incentive.

Khulna University cafeteria (Photo: JLewis, TDRF)
While on campus I get the chance to see the facilities available here for students. The campus itself is fairly large and not unlike American universities in many ways. There are buildings with classrooms, and offices for professors. A library, a dorm and a cafeteria. A field for playing sports.

Manish is busy with classes and his thesis work today, so our first visit is short. I do get the chance to interview other ecology students, to learn more about what they want to do with their careers. Everyone is at an early stage and still working on their bachelors. They are all however, very enthusiastic and hopeful about their ability to make a difference for the species and habitats in their country.
Faces of what will hopefully be the next generation of conservation biologists in Bangladesh 
(Photos: JLewis, TDRF)

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