Sunday, January 26, 2014

Heading to Mongla

Sundarbans, Bangladesh (JLewis, TDRF)
So today I start to travel again. This time south to an area called the Sundarbans. The Sundarbans is the largest mangrove forest on the planet. It extends across the coast of Bangladesh and into southeast India.  Here, in Bangladesh, may be one of, if not THE largest subpopulation of Ganges river dolphins left (estimated to be at least 200).  So the area is obviously critical for their continued survival. Because of this, the BCDP has worked to establish sanctuaries (three have been created) in what they believe are some of the most important areas within the Sundarbans for 
this species.

Map of Sundarbans showing location of Mongla at top right (source:

Mongla, Bangladesh (JLewis, TDRF)
To access the Sundarbans, I must travel to a small town called Mongla. To get here I fly from Dhaka to Jessore, and then a driver takes me another three hours to my destination. Tomorrow I head out on the water, where I hope to finally see the Ganges river dolphin!

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